"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24.
The injunction of marriage is a sacred one and for avoidance of ambiguity, marriage is the matrimonial union between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others. Marriage is the ordained tool for procreation and also, a status symbol. More importantly, it comes with the assurance of God's blessing.
"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." Proverbs 18: 22.
It is therefore surprising that with all the blessings promised, a lot of eligible young bachelors are single. Why is that? I've been hounded in recent times by my elders as to why I'm still unmarried. Someone once said to me, "You're old enough. I don't see what you are waiting for." Of course, you won't see what I'm waiting for because you obviously can't see through my eyes. Truth is, as a teen, I always thought that I'd be married before 25. I have never fancied having my first child by age 30. After all, my dad had his first child in his early 20's. Sadly, that is the reality for many young men today. What changed?
After pondering deeply on the subject, I conclude that our parents had it easy. In the old days, life was simple and even more so for those who got an education. An education to secondary or tertiary level guaranteed you an instant job with attractive trappings. Today, a BSc, a Master Degree and even a doctorate is hardly enough guarantee. The economy of Nigeria today is so crippled that it has been unable to provide employment for the ever increasing mass of graduates churned out of our schools every year. Do you expect a man who has no job to take on a wife? That is courting calamity.
Today, a lot has changed. Many young ladies are not patient enough to be with the guy who has potential. They'd rather have a guy who drives a Range Rover Sport, can afford "Brazilian hair", take them out overseas for shopping and the like, even though they can't really tell the source of his wealth. There was a time when women used to be bothered about that.

I was at a friend's wedding recently where he attempted something new: after his bride had done the bouquet throwing, he ordered us, the "unrepentant bachelors" out and told us he would be throwing his bow tie for us to catch. Apparently, the "bouquet throwing myth" is something highly regarded. You should have seen how we all dodged the tie! The best man was our saviour on the day. One of the guests, an elderly man, remarked that "these young men of nowadays are afraid of responsibility". That is hardly the truth. I'm of the view that the cost of maintaining a girlfriend today is much more than the cost of maintaining a wife as was applicable in their era. The emphasis on materialism has taken a new dimension that they will never understand.
Which brings me to my personal favorite; the wedding ceremony. Today, it would seem the wedding ceremony has become more important than the union. I have attended numerous weddings and as a guy hoping to get married soon, I make enquiries. The expenses involved is enough to make one consider a celibate oath. I have never really understood the need for so much fanfare for such a solemn ceremony especially as divorces have become quite rampant. People spend ridiculous amounts for a wedding to impress the world who really don't give two about how you survive afterwards and start off a married life neck-deep in debt. Is it really worth it at the end of the day? And you wonder why the grooms hardly ever smile.

Most times, potential wives don't make it easy. They want fancy and classy weddings, complete with a horse and carriage if possible to show off to their friends that they have finally "arrived". I feel sorry for men who allow themselves to cajoled into weddings they can barely afford because after all said and done, none of your "well-wishers" will stand by you when the creditors come calling. In fact, they will be the first to laugh at you for being unable to take care of your wife.
The old saying, "cut your clothes according to your size" is irrelevant in today's world. "Cut your coat according to your cloth" is a more realistic view. That said, for those who can afford a massive wedding ceremony, by all means, spend that cheddar without looking back. The ceremony ought to be a memorable one and if you feel money will make it so, spend money. For the not so buoyant or financially prudent, I see nothing wrong with a quiet court wedding and a small but classy reception for less than a hundred guests. Makes more sense to me.
Malcolm O. Ifi.
Engage on twitter @saymalcolm
Photo Credits: The Internet.
I totally agree with everything you wrote here. But I think it is one sided. There are 2 sides to every coin. You make d men look like saints when in actual fact not all men are saints as It is with women. I know of so many ladies who joined their resources with that of the man they intend to marry and the wedding is a success. I also KNOW of a lady who ran a joint accout with the guy she was going to get married to (they were 2 months) away from their wedding and the guy cleaned the account to marry another lady (this is a real life story).
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all you have written, but I think it is a one sided opinion.
I agree it is one sided. I'm speaking as a man, from a responsible man's view point. There are situations as you have rightly pointed out that have revealed the shameless character of some men but i don't think the way i wrote was an attempt to portray all men as saints. I would never do that when i know better.
DeleteThank you for reading and taking time out to share your thoughts
I appreciate your writeups. U have a way of bringing outs d facts.
DeleteTrue, most women are materialistic. But the guys are not left out. We are in the era, where men marry ladies for their wealth too. "Marry the boss daughter & u are made 4life"
The situation u described above is vis-visa. As every man wants to marry an Angel while the man in question is a devil not a saint. I know a lot of women that married for love & regreting it today, cos as soon as the wealth rolled in, the men changed.... Sleeping out, beating their wives,some even went for a second wife etc.
It wasn't encouraging when I wanted to get married. I thank God I married the man I love, my bestfriend who was also d only poor man dat came to marry me Lol!
I pray everyday that as God blesses us more & more,my Soulmate shouldn't change.
Coming to household chores, every woman should be a good house keeper with exceptional culinary skills. But the men are not exempted from d kitchen. They can assist in setting d table when chanced. Afterall,both goes to work. I love cooking, but still grins whenever my hubby surprises me with a meal. No matter d taste.
So men should work on themselves not neccessarily their pockets as most educated women just want a correct guy that will respect & love them.
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ReplyDeleteamazing how times and things have changed.
ReplyDeleteambitions became higher, folks just don't want to go through the wahala of eking a living with a growing family who gets the brunt of parents with the tempers of spurned porcupines.
my point, the both sexes can step up their game. some guys are just too tardy to be described thus with the attitude of a shed skin and pockets of abandoned oil devastated land...what's the point?
some just calculate your salary and want to allocate responsibilities to you when you are not even married so one tends to ask, am i not better off by my self?
granted some girls have the brains of expired dinosaurs and the attitude of a naked turtle and so one can see your pov, thing is there is no hard and fast rule. marry someone who you will go to the ends of the earth with and who will do likewise.
don't cook up a false representation of yourself because (s)he will believe you and when your true colours come shining the 'you lied to me' sigh will not be there,
be with someone you can tolerate their dark side and you theirs so when its bright and shiny, there's a bit of 'real groundness' to them and of course.....that's all
"Temper of a spurned porcupine"?! Hahahahahahaahaha!!! I shiver at the thought of that! That said, you analysis is just it. Nothing like find someone real to be real with. It makes the inevitable challenges to be faced a lot easier.
ReplyDelete"Today, a lot has changed. Many young ladies are not patient enough to be with the guy who has potential. They'd rather have a guy who drives.."
ReplyDelete..our mothers, (God bless them!) are super women juggling the roles of motherhood, career women, home keepers and exceptional cooks."
I love those two parts above..4major xteristics of a lady..and nt OR (y)..
Nice one dear.
I totally agree wit u on d marriage ceremony,I'm a girl but I don't see any reason y I shud have my whole clan come over for my wedding