Sunday, 18 May 2014


By Prince Ehio
When you exercise or compete in sports, you notice several changes in your body. You breathe heavier and faster; your muscles hurt and you sweat. These are all normal responses to exercise whether you work out regularly, once in a while or whether you are a trained athlete. The same goes with the human mind and thought pattern.

As an exercise physiologist, it’s easier for me to use body functions to make my points. The human body is a complex machine that performs sets of processes to meet body demands. Every system in the human body is involved in how your body responds to strenuous exercise - how muscles, blood circulation, breathing and body heat are affected and how these responses can be enhanced by training. This is the same as government; it thrives on the performance or the completion of the processes involved in its various sub-systems and not for a single man (or single arm) to run.

Imad Mesdoua said ‘nation building means more than "visible institutions". It’s also being effective; it also means "setting an example" ethically. If Senators, Governors and others can break laws, then they can't challenge those who do same’. While we blame the federal government as citizens, the councilors, house of assembly members, governors, members of the house of representative and senators whom are elected just like the federal government also blame the federal government. So why did we vote them in?  Even the judiciary blames
The government. Is the judiciary not part of the government? My understanding of the tiers of governance in Nigeria is that we have, The Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. Do we need to remind them? Are they not aware as the Executive pays their bills? This leads to a very pertinent question, why do we want our leaders in government to behave and talk like the civilized western world when we as citizens can’t behave or reason like the citizens of civilized countries?

I once travelled with a Nigerian from Heathrow airport. He appeared to be the best behaved Nigerian I had ever met until we got to MMIA. He immediately became noisy and littered the airport without qualms. When I asked about the sudden transformation, he replied without any regard saying, "This is Nigeria".

What have you done differently as a Nigerian in the last 5 years? We talk and accuse our leaders of cluelessness, corruption, ineptitude and indolence. Is there a state, local government or region in Nigeria enjoying excellent governance? If NO, have you asked yourself why? Is the problem with leadership or followership or both? Wouldn’t it be right to say that our leaders are who they are because of who we are? These are poignant questions every Nigerian must ask himself.

I follow a man on twitter who once said “A dog is missing and everyone is searching for this dog although for different reasons”. Some like the dog; some want to return it to the owner and some want to eat this same dog. Why would a leading state with a charismatic leader fight freedom of information bill? Or a presidential hopeful and party leader promise rot, burn and violence if elections are rigged. To quote him

"I say it again...if you rig this election we’ll roast you.” (We all know who I refer to here).

The above is particularly ridiculous where the assumption of every party on the losing end is that the election was rigged.

What is the problem with Nigeria? Ten Nigerians will give ten different answers. The common man on the street, on the print and social media and even in the beer parlor will claim and boast to know what decisions to take better than all past presidents since 1960 till date, and those who blame and keep blaming the present administration are blinded by their expectations. It is time for Nigerians to wake up from slumber and face reality. We are a unique people, a difficult people to rule or govern. Ask parents, managers, and directors.

I have my reservations with regards to information dissemination by the present administration in that it does not give out information or is slow to do so. It’s difficult to understand and most unacceptable that the presidential media team with all the government information machinery available cannot disseminate proper information to alleviate the worries of all Nigerians in these trying times. This is one of the reasons there is so much disaffection against this administration.

In the same vein I must admire the publicity of Lagos State Government in its resolve to share information in a timely manner even on issues that could be perceived as negative and deemed callous by citizens. For example, the FOI bill and the how State does not believe the bill should also relate to it and is even in court to defend that stand. Also the well documented case of housing projects the State has undertaken, where it has openly made a distinction between low cost housing and affordable housing. “llubirin”

In the world today, information is vital and with generational changes and innovations easy to share. This government needs to understand this and flow with it. (The three tiers of government)

Presently, all eyes and attentions are on #bringbackourgirls; this shouldn’t even be politics. This is criminality and wickedness and should be condemned with every strong term and at every opportunity. I have seen so many people pose with placards without knowing why they are carrying these placards. There are no clear reasons for these protests yet. I’ve asked questions over and over again with no answers. Is it getting to the boko haram sect or is this used to blame the government? Is this against government's delay in reaction?

While some have gained popularity or twitter followership, some have made money from it. I will not join politicians and activist to discuss but leave the security agents to confirm if these girls are missing and find them while also bring the perpetrators to book and end boko haram in Nigeria. Politicians and activist can’t and won’t go to the battle field or visit the dead soldier’s families to commiserate with them.

Lastly like pastor Tony Rapu asked "Does your driver sleep in the car while you sleep in the comfort of hotel rooms on trips? #ThereisGod

Let’s join hands to bring the change we want. Let’s put an end to double standards. This change can only come from our homes, churches, mosque, schools community, offices and on social media. Next time you want to discuss, criticize, or write, please look beyond the politics.

Prince Ehio tweets as @princewene

*Opinions stated are solely that of the writer.